• Address 7600 Olser Drive Suite 113 Towson, MD 21204
Well Medical Center, PC 800-704-1947

Understanding Your Kidney Numbers

Think of your kidneys like the toilet and filter system for your body. eGFR is how strong your flush is—if it’s over 60, you’ve got a powerful flush that keeps everything flowing forward smoothly. But if it’s lower than 60, the flush isn’t strong enough, and things start to backflow or overflow in the wrong direction, exactly like an overflowing toilet with the water collecting and overflowing onto your bathroom floor instead of outward to the sewage system—uh oh & YUK!

Now, uACR is like the filter that keeps the good stuff (like proteins) in while letting the bad stuff out (like life’s little water-based toxins such as Ibuprofen). If uACR stays under 30, your filter’s working great. But if it goes over 30, your filter is broken, and it starts spilling all the good proteins down the drain.

So, to keep your body’s plumbing system running well, you need a strong flush (eGFR) and a filter that doesn’t leak (uACR)!”

“To keep your kidneys bright and in the Green,
Score above 60, that’s the key!
Keep the little number nice and neat,
Under 30 is a healthy treat!
Happy kidneys, happy you,
Drink your water and eat good food, too!”

“Hey Doc! What about me?  I’ve already been told I have Chronic Kidney Disease.  I have an appointment with my kidney doctor soon to discuss medication options, but what can I do in the meantime?”

We’re glad you’ll be talking to your Nephrologist soon!  You’ll probably discuss Farixga, Jardiance, or Kerenda if you have diabetes and which one is right for you.

If you’re looking to manage kidney disease effectively, here are some key things to avoid:

  1. High Sodium Foods: Excess salt can raise blood pressure and worsen kidney function. Avoid processed foods, canned soups, and salty snacks. Always remember to read food labels and pick products low in sodium (low sodium products will be less than 5% sodium, or 150mg per serving.  Food choices with over 40% daily sodium requirements, or more than 400 mg is high in sodium- and oh, so bad for your kidneys and heart.  Read our article on high sodium for more.
  1. High-Protein Diets: Too much protein can put extra strain on the kidneys. Limit red meats and high-protein supplements.  If your eGFR is too low or uACR too high, remember, then that a keto diet is not for you!
  1. Sugary Foods and Drinks: High sugar intake can lead to obesity and diabetes, which are harmful to kidney health. Avoid sugary snacks and sodas.  Don’t gum up those tiny vessels with syrupy sugary blood!
  1. Phosphorus-Rich Foods: High phosphorus levels can damage kidneys. Limit foods like dairy products, nuts, and dark sodas.
  1. Potassium-rich foods: If your potassium levels are high, avoid bananas, oranges, potatoes, and spinach. Make sure you’re working with your healthcare provider to monitor your bloodwork (comprehensive metabolic panel, especially).
  1. Alcohol: Excessive drinking can harm kidney function and lead to dehydration- with direct and immediate kidney damage.
  1. Caffeine: High caffeine intake can raise blood pressure and may be harmful if you have kidney issues. 
  1. Over-the-Counter NSAIDs: Medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can harm kidneys if taken excessively.
  1. Dehydration: Not drinking enough water can lead to kidney stones and other complications. Stay hydrated!
  2. Neglecting Medical Advice: Always follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations regarding diet, medications, and lifestyle changes.

Making these adjustments can help protect kidney function and overall health. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice!

It’s always our pleasure to coach our patients to their best health.  We hope you’ll support us in our efforts to support you.  As a gift to our patients, we created a cute poem to take the drudgery out of CKD and give you a way to remember what could be a challenging list of medical advice:

Kidney Health:

A Rhyming Guide

Listen up, folks, it’s time to learn

About kidney health, a crucial concern

With rhythm and rhyme, we’ll make it clear

What foods and habits you should steer clear!

Sodium Savvy

Salt’s no friend to your kidney’s might

It raises pressure, day and night

Processed foods and canned soups, beware

And salty snacks? Best to spare!

Read those labels, don’t be shy

Less than 5% sodium, that’s your ally

But 40% or 400 mg per serve?

That’s high sodium, your kidneys don’t deserve!

Protein Predicament

Too much protein can cause a strain

On kidneys working might and main

Red meats and supplements, take it slow

If eGFR’s low or uACR’s high, keto’s a no-go!


Sugar Struggle

Sugary treats may taste so sweet

But for your kidneys, they’re no feat

Obesity and diabetes loom

Keep sugar low to help kidneys bloom!

Phosphorus Phobia

Phosphorus high?

 Your kidneys sigh

Dairy, nuts, dark sodas? Wave bye-bye

Keep levels low, that’s the key

For kidney health and vitality

Potassium Particulars

If potassium’s high, here’s what to skip:

Bananas, oranges – not even a sip!

Potatoes and spinach, off the list they go

Ask your doc which foods are friend or foe

Libation Limitations

Alcohol’s a foe in large amounts

Dehydration quickly mounts

Kidney stress, it’s swift and sure

Moderation’s the wiser cure

Caffeine Caution

Coffee lovers, here’s the deal:

Too much caffeine, your kidneys feel

It raises pressure, that’s not grand

Sip wisely, keep your kidneys grand

Medicine Mindfulness

Over-the-counter NSAIDs beware Ibuprofen, naproxen –

use with care

Excessive use can harm, you see

Your kidneys prefer you to let them be

Hydration Helpers

Water, water, don’t you lack!

Keep those kidney stones off your back

Complications come when you’re dry

So drink up, let your health soar high!

Doctor’s Orders

Last but not least, here’s a crucial part:

Listen to docs, they know the art

Of keeping kidneys safe and sound

Their advice will keep you healthy and bound!

Remember these rhymes, and you’ll go far

 In keeping your kidneys at par

With care and knowledge, day by day

You’ll keep kidney troubles away!